Dirty Data’s Effect on ROI and Five Ways to Fix it Today

to Uncover the ugly truth of the cost of dirty data on your organization

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

E-marketing should lead to greater intelligence on prospects, right? The opposite has proven true as companies become overwhelmed with data sources and struggle to keep contact databases accurate and up-to-date.

Join ZoomInfo and DemandGen Report as we dive deep into the recent findings of a DemandGen study that uncovers the ugly truth of the cost of Dirty Data on organizations today, including:

  • 8 of 10 companies indicated that dirty data is hindering their lead generation campaigns.
  • Many organizations rely on marketing/prospect data that is 20%-40% inaccurate.
  • 30% of companies currently have no strategy to update inaccurate or incomplete data.

The result? Companies large and small are losing MILLIONS in potential revenue.

BONUS: Receive a copy of the in-depth eBook "Assessing the Impact of Dirty Data on Sales & Marketing Performance."

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