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Dreamforce 2011: Bryan Brown, Director of Product Strategy, Silverpop

Bryan Brown, Director of Product Strategy, Silverpop

On the heels of a partnership announcement with social sign-on technology provider JanRain, Silverpop Director of Product Strategy Bryan Brown highlighted the company's Social Connect product introduction, and what it means for marketers. Focused on providing marketers with the tools necessary to capitalize on today's on-the-go buyer, Brown detailed how Silverpop's customers are utilizing technologies like QR codes to drive people back to a video, or share content. Additionally, Brown shared insight into how marketers can extend the life of current content to maximize collateral.

Dreamforce 2011 Video Coverage:

  • Joe Payne, CEO, Eloqua - Watch Now

  • Umberto Milletti, CEO, InsideView - Watch Now

  • Adam Needles, Chief Strategy Officer, Left Brain DGA - Watch Now

  • Sam Weber, CEO, - Watch Now

  • Ryan Allis, CEO, iContact - Watch Now

  • Mike Volpe, CMO, Hubspot - Watch Now

  • Raghu Raghavan, CEO, Act-On Software - Watch Now

  • Jim Meyer, Vice President, eTrigue Corp - Watch Now

  • Jeff Erramouspe, President, Manticore - Watch Now