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Strategies For Selling Into Multiple Lines Of Business

Shadow LinkedIn LI006 EBK Multiple Lines of Biz Dec 2014 v003 aaThe B2B buying process has changed. More and more influencers play a role in a company’s buying decisions, so it’s time for the sales team to focus on more than just the one-on-one relationship.

This e-book covers how a “multi-threading” sales approach will help grow more relationships within a target business to increase the probability of closing the deal, including:

  • Tips and strategies for continually evaluating who the influencers are in a target account;
  • How a multi-threading mindset can help ease this evaluation process; and
  • The tools sales reps can leverage to further enhance their ability to connect with the right people.

Fill out the form below, and start accelerating sales with more than just a single relationship.