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B2B Marketing's Big Blindspot — The Data That Can Unlock Better Results For Every Marketing Function

Content is at the heart of all B2B marketing, providing the foundation for everything from brand awareness to demand generation and beyond.

But since marketing teams are often siloed, so is the data they use to measure and optimize their programs, resulting in a disjointed experience as prospects progress through the buyer's journey.

During this on-demand webcast Elle Woulfe, Vice President of Marketing at PathFactory, will shed some light on:

  • The new class of data every marketer needs to power relevant content recommendations at every stage of the funnel; and
  • How high performing marketers are using this insight to drive better results from every program and channel.

View now and uncover B2B marketing's biggest blind spot!

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Jessica Cross
Elle Woulfe

Brian Anderson
Brian Anderson
Demand Gen Report