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White Papers

Accommodating Todays Fast-Moving Buyers

In today's "get it all done now" culture, B2B buyers are dictating the pace they want to receive, consume and act on content. Unfortunately, traditional lead nurturing has always been done on the marketer's schedule. To keep up with your buyers, that needs to change — fast. Fill out the form for some of the best cutting-edge tactics to engage…

6 Reasons Why You Should Make Predictive The Center Of Your Marketing And Sales Universe

As technology gets more sophisticated, so do the analytics marketers are capturing. The problem is, this data may not be easily connected and can leave B2B organizations without the full picture of customers and prospects. Leading-edge companies are using predictive intelligence to uncover and integrate their data into a comprehensive and insightful package for marketing and sales. Finding in-market accounts…

Busting Common Myths Of Marketing Automation

Technology is often surrounded by mystery and myths that keep new users from joining the early adopters. Marketing automation technology is no different. As some companies have success with marketing automation, many more still hesitate or feel they've already fallen far behind. However, there are some benefits to being a bit late to the technology bandwagon as many of the…

Data-Driven Content Marketing

How To Create & Optimize A Content Strategy With Data At Its Core B2B organizations have fallen under the impression that content marketing is a "hit or miss" practice. However, it doesn't take much to boost content success and make an impact on the company's bottom line. Leveraging accurate and relevant data will ultimately help guide your content strategy, as…

You Don't Need A Marketing Video

...You Need A Video Marketing Strategy Even the biggest blockbuster feature film doesn't get there just by being good. It takes a concerted, holistic effort to get the most out of the time, effort and money that goes into one. The same applies to your marketing videos. A well-planned strategy can make the difference between a best-in-class marketing blockbuster and…

Better Leads, More Revenue: The Value Of Video Marketing

From the top of the funnel to post-sale, video is proving to be a powerhouse in boosting awareness, engagement, and the bottom line. Be it connecting emotionally or introducing new features, video is the go-to content type for marketers to reach customers at every stage of the sales cycle. This white paper will show you how video marketing can: Get…

How To 10x Your Content Marketing Team's Productivity

Notice that your content team isn't scaling like other departments within your business? While the going is tough, there is a way for you and your content team to maximize productivity without having your team burn itself out. Download this white paper to see how you can revamp your content team to boost productivity and decrease strain, including: How to…